Every hotel/resort/casino property MUST have a reliable and robust technology network ecosystem built into it including wired/wireless connectivity, smart building technology, cybersecurity and physical security ecosystems, customer facing technology, and MUCH more …. it’s as important as the walls, floors, roofs, windows, furnishings, plumbing, electrical systems, HVAC, etc.  But….how do you know what your options are AND if you are getting the right solution to meet YOUR needs?


When installing a network ecosystem for your hotel/resort/casino you must consider the technology requirements of your staff, facility, AND your guests. What are their needs for back-office operations, voice communications, data management infrastructure, financial/billing/accounting management, reservation systems, internet access, web/audio/video conferencing, business/conference centers, keyless room entry, IPTV, guest WiFi, multi-media use, security/surveillance systems, digital displays, engineering systems, smart building applications, restaurant operations, retail functions, etc.

With that in mind, if you’re looking to:

* …. move into a new building with existing network facilities.

* …. gather information that will be helpful in the planning stages of network ecosystem deployment for a planned new construction hotel/resort development.

* …. install network connectivity into an already underway hotel/resort construction project.


* …. upgrade existing system capabilities as part of the renovation of a current property.

Then you can breathe easier knowing there’s a superpower in your corner to help with all the requisite decisions….US!

In hotel/resort/casino development, new construction, renovation, or upgrading you can’t afford to overlook any technology requirements upfront…or get them wrong. Your guests and staff demand you get it right.

The logical answer is to take advantage of our FREE services to help you custom design your entire technology ecosystem AND strategy…. saving you time, money, effort, and frustration.

Simply tell us what you’re trying to accomplish at the following link….and we’ll marshal all hands-on deck to create a custom solution to meet YOUR specific requirements: FreedomFire Communications

We will help you meet your technology requirements, whatever they are, while also helping you to cut costs at the same time. That’s what we do….and we’re very good at it.

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