Every commercial real estate property (e.g. retail, mixed use, office building, warehouse, hospitality, corporate, etc.) MUST have a reliable and robust technology network built into it, including wired/wireless connectivity, smart building technology, network and physical security ecosystems, and MUCH more …. it’s as important as the walls, floors, roofs, windows, furnishings, plumbing, electrical systems, HVAC etc.


Getting Those Technology Requirements Right For A New Construction Development Or Renovation Project Can Be Frustrating, Time Consuming, And Expensive…But It Doesn’t Need To Be.

Think about this…. how do you know what your options are AND if you are really getting the right solution that meets YOUR needs?  Remember, you can’t afford to overlook any technology requirements upfront…or get them wrong. Whomever the final occupants are (tenants, buyers, guests, your own people) will expect and demand that you get it right.

The logical answer is to take advantage of our FREE services to help you source and custom design your entire technology ecosystem AND strategy…. saving you time, money, effort, and frustration.  We’ll help you with all the design, planning, and installation decisions for any technology requirements you face. The smart play is to use us!

Besides the standard voice, data, and internet connectivity needs (wired or wireless) … we’ll help address all of the backbone technology needed for security requirements (both network and physical/property), digital display applications, entertainment systems, CCTV, smart building applications (e.g. HVAC, lighting, temperature controls, etc.), and MUCH more. Basically, any technology backbone requirements needed for the final occupants can be solved.

Simply tell us what you’re trying to accomplish at the following link….and we’ll marshal all hands-on deck to create a custom solution to meet YOUR specific requirements: FreedomFire Communications

We will help you meet your technology requirements, whatever they are, while also helping you to cut costs at the same time. That’s what we do….and we’re very good at it.


NOTE: If you’re a developer or an agent, this is ALSO a value-added service you can provide your clients…at no cost to you or them. Definitely a selling point to set your organization apart from other corporate/commercial real estate agents, general contractors, and developers.

Given the highly competitive environment of corporate/commercial real estate…and the potential high return for a successful project…anything that raises your worth in the eye of your client(s) is a business enhancer. All the more if it doesn’t cost you a penny.

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